Out of habit, I always make blog posts sensational. Yet, when you zoom out and realize the potential of the advice (if followed correctly), the title becomes more meaningful and the hype decreases.
In this post I will identify a rule which will help you you to improve you videos which you produce. Whether it is How-to's or comedy, this rule will help to keep your vidoes looking more proffessional.
Vlogging is becoming more popular all the time and "artists" who use youtube now have the opportunity to earn money off the adverts in the top right hand corner. Hence, the ability to create short interesting videos becomes more vital to "money gitters".
By realizing the main rule behind producing any good video (excluding how-to's), you can become something of a tarantino. That should have been a capital T.
What do I mean to say in this post? Well...

In this movie particularly (though it is true of his other ones) he leads by example when it comes to playing a god. In other words, he creates a scene/set that he is completely in control of. So many amateurs include things, (intentional or non-intentional) that communicate a message that is against the impression they are trying to create. Or, they don't add the small things that create the impression they are trying to create. A crumpled coke can could say 1000 words, given the right environment...this is a caricature but hopefully you get the picture.
Everything that the lense picks up is there for a reason. And everything picked up by the lense should be analysed for the potential it has, within a given scenario?
When you display a control of everything in your video, you have completed a stage to producing a watchable video.
One rule people see eye-to-eye on is the importance of making how-to's generic. Unless you are getting payed to advertise.
P.S. When Mr Pink grabs the diamonds at the end (when everyone has been shot) he walks like a rat and you hear the noise similar to a rat just as he snatches them up. Reservoir Dogs are rats.
i think not
Make sense? Feedback appreciated.
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